Over the last couple of years I’ve met a lot of people who work in the startup world. A considerable number of the connections I’ve made stem from introductions from friends/colleagues or somewhat circuitously by way of stuff I’ve written on other sites. For example, in September of 2012 I wrote an answer on Quora where I shared my perspective on what it took to work effectively alongside people more intelligent than I am. Since that time my answer has received over 1,200 votes. When I wrote that answer I was shooting from the hip. I actually wrote it while at work. I expected it might get a few votes, but not that many.

After writing that answer I met with a few people who contacted me directly via Quora to ask me a bit more about how I navigated my career. I was able to be more nuanced in my discussion with them in person than I was via my Quora answer and I thought I’d share some of that nuance.

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