Did you know influencer marketing can generate up to 11x the ROI than more traditional forms of advertising? Or that 88% of customers trust online reviews from strangers as much as they would a recommendation by a friend? With influencer worth expected to grow to more than $10B by 2020, it should come as no surprise that growing numbers of people are focused on establishing themselves as Influencers on social media sites.

While many influencer marketing advocates are looking toward Instagram, savvy marketers are also diving headfirst into Pinterest. Just this past fall, Pinterest announced its efforts to share API data with eight influencer marketing platforms, making it easier to track and value Influencer collaboration efforts. At the same time, with brands continuing to see a steady decline in referral traffic from social media channels like Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest referral traffic continues to climb.

Whether you are interested in establishing your brand as an influencer on Pinterest or want to better understand the Pinterest influencers you would like to work with, we have gathered some valuable data and insights for you. Taking the time to better understand the posting habits of top pinners can also help you improve outreach strategy for upcoming influencer marketing campaigns.

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