Every startup leader must read Geoffrey Moore’s “Crossing the Chasm.”
Especially for a SaaS startup in growth mode, the book explains how early users adopt new technologies and how businesses can make the leap to the mainstream market. Moore perfectly explains why so many companies fail — they fall into the wide gap between the tech-savvy early adopters, and more cautious, mainstream consumers. Many SaaS businesses are simply unable to cross this chasm.
I’d like to examine a few well-known SaaS startups that have successfully crossed the chasm, and look specifically at their early target market — their Beachhead Strategy. There are many different ways to gain traction and find a foothold in the mainstream, and each is interesting to examine. By understanding the ways that these 3 top SaaS companies found success and crossed the chasm, hopefully you can refine your strategy and chase the right target market for your business.
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