20 Must Have Slack Integrations For Sales Teams

Added by ashokkkammara 6 years ago in
Inside Sales

Just Slack it! 

"Slack is to professional communication what Facebook is to social communication."

Over 50,000 teams use Slack to coordinate by sharing information, organize internal team collaborations and get notified on various developments instantly.

It is pretty much the new digital water cooler destination for millennials in the workplace.

One of the factors driving Slack’s ubiquity is the strength of its integrations.

Smart product developers have built integrations with Slack to give users access to information and notifications in the platform where they spend most of their time.

From ordering Dominos Pizzas for your co-workers to getting notified when a lead visits your website, you can now get a ton of value right inside your Slack app.

And if you are a sales professional, here are the top 20 applications that integrate with Slack to make your life more productive.

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