Even as you scour your CRM database spanking clean for potential deals, and still fall short of your revenue target, prospects may be right in front of you, ignored, their interest allowed to wither away. Ironic, yes, but that what happens when you fail to use live chat as a sales tool.

Live chat is great in providing awesome support with its element of immediacy. An Econsultancy study found that 79% of consumers use live chat for getting answers fast.

Source: Econsultancy.com

But the reasons above are just as an opportunity, not just to provide answers, but open the path to conversions across the buying cycle: a cold visitor turns to a warm lead, a warm lead turns to a hot lead, which turns to a purchase. Yes, live chat is more than just a support channel, just as, overall, customer service today is more  than just providing answers. It is a good lead source for opportunities, and when leveraged for sales, a profitable revenue tool.

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