Check the 6 modern trends in cold email you need to consider if your still want your outreach to work and bring new clients to your SaaS.



NEW 7 years ago

I think many people have a problem in the prospecting portion and are not targeting the right people. Do you see that too? Great info @kapatalas


7 years ago

We do see that as well, Trevor. It seems counter-intuitive to contact 50 people instead of 5000. But a very focused and well-targeted outreach will bring more positive replies that may actually start some valuable business relations. It's not just about numbers. It's about defining an ideal customer profile as specifically as possible and consequently sticking to that in the prospecting process. I'm not saying it's an easy process, but it's really worth your time. Here's the first step we made to defining ICP at Woodpecker. Thanks for you comment, @trevorhatfield


NEW 7 years ago

We do see that as well, Trevor. It seems counter-intuitive to contact 50 people instead of 5000. But a very focused and well-targeted outreach will bring more positive replies that may actually start some valuable business relations. It's not just about numbers. It's about defining an ideal customer profile as specifically as possible and consequently sticking to that in the prospecting process. I'm not saying it's an easy process, but it's really worth your time. Here's the first step we made to defining ICP at Woodpecker. Thanks for you comment, @trevorhatfield


NEW 7 years ago

This post definitely help me for my email outreaach. Thanks alot for sharing this.

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