Achieve Network Effect on a Smaller Scale

Added by NikkiElizDemere 8 years ago in
Network Effects
Referral Marketing
I was talking to my friend Piotr Zaniewicz the other day about the importance of network effects on SaaS businesses. I mentioned how the common misconception around network effects is that, in order to achieve a real network effect (this is the reason some people say B2B SaaS can’t be “viral”), the level of critical mass necessary for network effects to take place usually requires a lot of time, effort, energy, and resources to develop, on top of that ‘mass’ of users and customers. But Piotr, the CEO of RightHello, an outbound sales startup based in Poland, and I know different. We started talking about this really awesome way he came up with to generate network effects, but on a small-scale. This is exactly what he did for his company. I told him – as I do – to write it down and let’s publish it so everyone can learn about it. He obliged and his post is below. I have a couple of notes and some more resources for you at the end that you’ll want to read, but for now… take it away Piotr.

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