Augmented Reality (AR) Trends for 2018

Added by mobidev 5 years ago in
augmented reality
app development

Augmented World Expo and Apple WWDC 2018 were probably the two key events for the world of augmented reality to reflect the current state of Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. The latter looked into the near future. Both can be summed up with these 7 trends.

#1 Mobile AR is the main game-changer

The recently unveiled ARKit 2.0 opened a new chapter in the story of mobile AR, introducing 3D object detection, shared AR, persistent experiences, tracking and rendering improvements. This rapidly advancing and popular technology is clearly taking the lead.

#2 The present of Augmented Reality (AR) headsets is rather vague

AWE 2018 featured a number of promising AR headsets, yet none was ready for mass market. Even the leading headset, Microsoft HoloLens, is yet to tackle convenience and price issues.

#3: The market is open to innovative solutions

Pioneers might run the risk of failure, but they also have chances to occupy new niches. Over the next few years, businesses will keep implementing and marketing their ideas while Augmented Reality will be gradually becoming a part of our daily life.

#4: Natural user experiences

Natural controls of AR headsets mean convenience for users. A good example is gaze tracking, which allows to simply look at an object for its recognition.

#5: Meet a new buzzword: Extended Reality

All types of digitally enhanced or created "realities" can be united with a term Extended Reality (XR). Its use is quite natural, since in some cases, as in Mixed Reality, borders seem to be erased.

#6: Entertainment still prevails

While XR already has a number of viable business cases, entertainment remains in the forefront—this fact isn't about to change very soon.

#7: Revolution is replaced by evolution

While Augmented Reality technologies keep evolving, it's up to specific businesses to build innovative, revolutionary products for their niches.

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