Does your SaaS company experience high churn rates? That's not an accident - there are factors causing churn that you can change today using this post.

....It sounds like such a good idea doesn’t it?

You offer people a free trial to use your SaaS and hope that a few of them end up converting afterwards.

You’re probably convinced that you have exactly what your customers need…

That you’re totally different than all your competition…

That your product will practically sell itself after people try it…

Unfortunately it seems that your customers feel differently. A lot of SaaS companies have trouble retaining their customer after the free trial, and they don’t know why.

If you go to the average SaaS website you’ll see pop-ups, orange buttons, and catchy images all pushing you to do one thing:

“Sign Up for a Free Trial!”

But what they really want is for you to become a paid member. Everyone sees it coming from a mile away.

The free trial is a good method to get customers, but many companies drop the ball during the process.

Converting these free trial customers into paid users is an art.

If your SaaS is seeing low conversion numbers from your free trials, you’re going to want to dig into today’s blog post.

Let’s go into a few reason your SaaS free trials aren’t converting.


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