Don't burn money - don't stay on local IT market

Added by piotrzaniewicz 8 years ago in
E-mail Marketing
Growth Hacking
Marketing Strategy

Easiest way to get your first clients is to look for them in your local market – and we all do that, even though the reality of emerging markets can eventually eat your company up.

You have to deal mostly with oldschool businesses that don’t like to work on a time&material basis, and try to control everything you do as if you’re not the expert. And you know that not too far away there are clients who can pay you 2-3 times more (which, for instance, is about the exchange rate of $ to PLN) and who will be easier to work with.

It’s just that reaching out and getting your first international clients is so hard!

RightHello started with Polish clients, but we decided to enter the international market within the first few months of operating. Turned out it was easier than we thought.

Not a fantasy – a necessity

These days, companies in the IT business-to-business market have no limitations in selling internationally. You can go global using emails.

Why limit yourself to one group of customers, when you have an opportunity to pick the best clients from multiple markets?

You don’t need much to be able to do that.

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