The copy on your SaaS startup's landing page is one of the major factors that determines whether your product lives, or dies a horrible death. Unbounce cites headlines as the single most important element of a landing page, and that's for good reason. Several decades back, advertising legend David Ogilvy said: "When you have written your headline, you have already spent 80 cents of your dollar" That means that for every 1,000 people who land on your page, 800 leave after reading only the headline. But that's just an average. It's possible to boost those numbers with great copy, and a small tweak at the top of the funnel, as we know, can really move the needle at the bottom of the funnel. For this article, I analyzed 87 SaaS startup landing pages. This was taken from the top 100 in AngelList's Trending section at the time, disregarding companies that had shut down. I found hidden trends and best practices in two supposedly simple elements of the pages: the headline and the subheadline.

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