Sales has changed.

A lot.

Let me use last week as a quick example:

I spent $2400 on a new tool for our marketing team -- and I didn't have to (or want to) talk to a sales rep until after I had already given them my credit card.

Why? Well because I found out everything I needed to know before making that purchase.

I watched videos on their website, read some reviews, and asked two friends.

Nothing crazy.

(That's how you buy things today too...)

And this is exactly why we have no patience for pushy, "always be closing" sales reps.

We wanted to find out what companies look for in their sales reps today.

So we talked to some of the top VPs in SaaS -- from companies like Oracle, InVision, Influitive, Engagio, HubSpot, and more about how they interview sales reps.

Here's what they had to say.

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