It seems that every year there has to be an update for the compliance frameworks. You can find this change to be really annoying especially if you spent so much time implementing your previous framework. The increase of cyber risks brought about the need for compliance frameworks. With the technology advancements in place, you should expect new features to constantly appear in the market every 2 to 3 years.

This means that you should always be armed for regular updates. You might be tempted to forfeit these updates but don’t. Always remember that they are a necessity. It is for a fact that updating compliance frameworks can tend to be very costly and it can take up a lot of your time. That is why you should consider a tool that will easily implement these updates, however complex they may be. This tool helps you to avoid the errors that you are likely to make when updating your framework manually.

Whichever method you may prefer to update your compliance frameworks, chances are that you will still face these three major challenges which are:

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