Why I Decided To Fix Admin Interfaces

Added by marketingmiss 7 years ago in
SaaS Metrics

my working life, I’ve been a freelance developer, just like a lot of my peers here. I used to work for different clients, ranging from startups to major companies. One day, I realized that whatever the product or company size, I always had to create a back office / admin interface. It was a recurring problem, a tedious job and, quite frankly, all too often the messiest part of the project. I wondered why there weren’t any decent solutions available. So, one year ago, I decided to create my own startup to do exactly that.



NEW 7 years ago

I love this post and the concept of Forest Admin @MarketingMiss! I have dealt with some terrible back offices and I think it's great that you are coming up with a creative way to solve the problem. I'll be keeping it in mind for future opportunities. Look forward to seeing it progress.


NEW 7 years ago

Hi Trevor ! Thank you so much for you comment but it is not my project, I shared and article by Sandro Munda, CEO of Forest :) Don't hesitate to drop an email or Twitter message

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